Proposed STTR Policy Directive 2003
Appendix I (Draft) - Instructions - Program Description, Definitions

1. Program Description

(a) Summarize in narrative form the invitation to submit proposals and the objectives of the STTR Program.

(b) Describe in narrative form the agency's STTR Program, including a description of the three phases. Note in your description that the solicitation is for Phase I proposals only.

(c) Describe program eligibility, as follows:
Eligibility. Each concern submitting a proposal must qualify as a SBC for R/R&D purposes at the time of award. The SBC will submit a proposal for ``cooperative research and development'' with a non- profit ``research institution'' (terms as defined in this Policy Directive). Also, for both Phase I and Phase II, the R/R&D work must be performed in the United States. However, based on a rare and unique circumstance, for example, a supply or material or other item or project requirement that is not available in the United States, agencies may allow that particular portion of the research or R&D work to be performed or obtained in a country outside of the United States. Approval by the funding agreement officer for each such specific condition must be in writing. Phase II proposals may be submitted only by Phase I awardees.

(d) List the name, address and telephone number of agency contacts for general information on the STTR Program solicitation.

2. Definitions
Whenever terms are used that are unique to the STTR Program, a specific STTR solicitation or a portion of a solicitation, they will be defined in a separate section entitled ``Definitions.'' At a minimum, the definitions of ``R/R&D,'' ``cooperative research and development,'' ``funding agreement,'' ``research institution,'' ``SBC,'' ``STTR technical data,'' ``STTR technical data rights,'' ``subcontract, `` and ``women-owned SBC,'' as stated in this Policy Directive, must be included.