Proposed STTR Policy Directive 2003
Section by Section Analysis
Section 7 - Funding Process

Section 7 of the proposed Policy Directive outlines the SBIR funding process. The Reauthorization Act requires SBA to amend the Policy Directive and provide that beginning with Fiscal year 2004, agencies may approve a shorter or longer duration of time for award performance, where appropriate for a particular project. SBA's Policy Directive has always provided flexibility to the participating agencies and therefore the proposed Policy Directive still provides for this policy at section 7(h).

In section 7(i), SBA proposes a clarification to identify $100,000 in Phase I and $500,000 in Phase II as award amounts that generally may not be exceeded. SBA proposes that agencies may exceed these dollar levels where appropriate for a particular project, but must provide justification to SBA for doing so. SBA believes that this is consistent with the statute and legislative history and that flexibility is necessary to achieve success in projects that most likely would not be successful otherwise, such as drug discovery.

In that same section, SBA also proposes addressing a change made by the Reauthorization Act, which provides that beginning October 1, 2003, a Phase II award may not generally exceed $750,000.